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About Resume Screener Website

This is the official documentation of Resume Screener Website of TCET Mumbai, maintained by the TCET Open Source Documentation team.

We created The Resume Screener Website as it serves a valuable purpose to the tnp department as well as students by streamlining and optimizing the initial screening of resumes for job openings and for other interview purposes. Here are some key needs that a resume screener website addresses:

1. Time Efficiency
2. Standardization
3. Filtering irrelevant resumes
4. Keyword matching
5. Improved candidate experience
6. Streamlined collaboration

Overall, a resume screener website addresses the need for a more efficient, standardized, and unbiased approach to screening resumes, ultimately helping employers identify the most qualified candidates for further consideration and aiding the students to design a well established and applicable resume.


Here is the set of approach we kept in mind while designing our website:

1. Header & Navbar

  • The ease of use and significance of the header and navbar cannot be overstated when it comes to enhancing the user experience (UX).
  • We designed the header and navbar with complete responsiveness to make it look tidy and extremely easy to use.

2. Hero

  • This section is designed to capture attention, convey the website's prime message, and create a notable first impression.
  • Here we have have presented a glimpse of the resume test result that you will be getting.

3. About us

  • It is a short and accurate description of our TCET Resume screening.
  • With that, we have also made a provision where you can evaluate your resume with a test.

4. Guidelines and ATS resume template

  • In this segment  students are familiarised with different guidelines regarding resume and ways to improve it.
  • Also we have added a downloadable resume template that can help students standardise their resume.

5. ATS Resume Scan and Features

  • The need for a resume scan is to get an accurate report on the quality and quantity of the resumes.
  • We made a feature section in the website so that the user can get acquainted with all the tools and the ins and outs of how to use the resume creator in the most effective way possible.
  • The most important component of a website after a header is the footer, as it is very useful in navigating the website and accessing other important links.
  • It is utilised for displaying certain legal information, like copyright details.
  • It is also used for listing contact information and linking to different social media handles.

If you're ready to get started with contributing to TCET Open Source, head over to our installation guide for step-by-step instructions on how to Get Started with the Resume Screener website.